Buyer's Guide
Gas Fireplaces
fireplace & chimney specialists | hyper fires
factors to consider
GAS fireplaces for sale
When looking to buy a gas fireplace you will need to consider the following factors to determine the correct gas fireplace for your needs:

calculate your requirements
Depending on the brand of gas fireplace you buy the gas consumption will vary. This is important to take into consideration when determining what size gas supply should be installed. The municipal bylaw in Cape Town states that no property my exceed the maximum amount of 48kg of gas without gas plans being submitted. So if you are going to install an appliance which gas consumption exceeds 1200g/h on maximum setting or are planning to use more than one appliance at a time you will need to submit gas plans to council. We would take you through the design and setup of the gas installation when purchasing your new fireplace.
Heating CapacitY
determine your kilowatt output requirements
You need to be sure that the gas fireplace you buy would be able to heat the area you plan to use the unit in. With most houses being open plan you are required to take any adjacent room which cannot be closed off by a door into account as well. As a rule of thumb you can say that for every 10m² at normal ceiling height of 2.7m you require 1kw of heat to warm the room.

SABS LPG safety SA approval
SABS Approved
All gas fireplaces for sale must by law be tested by the SABS and have the LPG safety SA approval. Flueless gas fireplaces will receive a co2 emissions rating from the SABS, this will vary from brand to brand depending on how efficient the product is set up. It will also vary depending on the grate size. These co2 emission ratings should be taken into account when determining the room size you want to install the flueless gas fireplace into.
Make your selection
Balanced flue gas fireplaces for sale as a rule have a slightly lower efficiency as the flue less units, but have no smells & heavier on gas due to their extended flame affect. On the other hand flueless gas fireplace is 99% efficient due to their flueless nature and that all heat generated is kept inside the house. These units burn the gas very efficiently and the co2 emissions are virtually non-existent, thus it does not soot like vented gas fireplaces.
Depending on the brand of flueless gas fireplace you purchase, the co2 levels emitted will vary. With some brands the emissions are much higher than others causing a “burnt gas” smell in your home, so be sure to ask for the co2 emission ratio on the various units before buying. You would be able to determine if a grate will have high emissions simply by comparing their heat output and gas consumption with each other.
Select your preferred style of fireplace
Balanced flue fireplaces have the unique feature that the emissions are vented through the inner skin of the di flux flue and fresh air to the unit is supplied through the hollow outer skin of the flue. This way there is no negative pressure created in the room and prevents cold air being drawn into the house without any smell.